We optimize your website for users and search engines.
We professionally market your business and website.
We plan and optimize your Adwords ads and campaigns.
We will create a new website for you with store if you wish.
What does „Content in King“ mean for website operators?
This means high quality written texts are indispensable for SEO. Google, Bing and other search engines prefer websites with good content. The search results are mathematically calculated by Google according to relevance and written content and displayed to users sorted.
This results in the order 1-10 on the first page of the results in the search engines – the so-called rankings.
With our own tool CONTENTDEVIL we create optimized SEO texts for your website.
Requirements such as technical readability, speed, server, etc. are elementary for good positions in search engines.
The most important part of a website is the content. Search engines like Google value this content more than other elements in the result.
A clear structure of the website as well as the accessibility of pages in maximum 3 clicks for user and search engine is very important.
External links from other websites are still a good tool to convince search engines of the quality of your own website.
We analyze your complete website and create the necessary SEO measures from it.
We find the best keywords that promise high customer volume on Google
We create landing pages in your website to be displayed at the front of Google.
We write texts for the landing pages of your website that are optimised for Google.
We track and monitor your successes on Google and inform you weekly by email.
The content automatically adapts to any size from desktop to tablet to smartphone.
Important information is written in the visible area before the user has to scroll.
All main pages and important theme pages should be directly accessible via the mobile menu.
A Google Business listing with the right data will show your website in regional searches.
Products, prices, texts and ratings can be displayed directly on Google in the overview.
Daily info is automatically submitted to Google and other search engines on a daily basis.
Nowadays, creating a website should be quick and cost as little as possible. To achieve this, it is easy to build a website with CMS systems and WordPress in combination with themes.
Attention: Many themes are not yet optimally constructed from the point of view of search engine optimisation and should be rebuilt.
Many search queries are made via mobile phones or smartphones. Voice input is a modern way to convey the user's intentions. Google reacts differently to these mobile search queries than to the input on the desktop.
Voice input: The user speaks as he thinks. The website must know in advance how the user will formulate his or her wishes.
Content targeting means that a separate topic page is created for each interesting search query with a high search volume. This is positioned further forward in the structure of the website according to the frequency of use.
Search volume: Search queries are measured in search volume per month. The more precise the search phrase, the more accurate the text can be written.
We will be happy to make you a non-binding offer based on your monthly budget. This way, you decide for yourself how much you want to invest in the search engine optimisation of your website. We also take on the creation of customised projects such as Real Estate Mallorca.
We bring your website technically up to date. Readability, speed and structure are elementary components.
We improve the user and click behaviour of your visitors. So they find new products and information quickly and without detours on your website.
We create the optimised texts for you for suitable search queries. This is used to build targeted topic pages for selected search phrases.
We optimise your conversion rate. More visitors to your website become new customers, because every unnecessary click halves your profits.
Search engine optimisation involves taking measures to improve the ranking of your website in the Google SERPs. The most important methods with which we can make your website visible to potential customers in the search engines are the areas of offpage optimisation and onpage optimisation.
Our SEO agency has a lot of experience in online marketing and we know exactly what is important for our clients. Together we develop comprehensive marketing strategies. For this, we not only use optimisation in the search engines, but also marketing measures in social networks and various classic advertising methods.
SEA refers to paid advertising with Google AdWords. An individual online campaign should reach your target groups with well thought-out online ads. Thanks to our specially developed click price optimisation, we can achieve an optimum of clicks for your budget with low click prices.
As web designers, we create a layout exactly according to your wishes. You decide how the website should look one day. Subsequently, the basic structure of the now created website is expanded by graphic design, which also includes SEO aspects. Together, these measures form a complete and successful website.
Keyword research and analysis requires a high degree of technical knowledge in dealing with various analysis programmes. As specialists for SEO, we define the most effective keywords for your websites with our keyword analyses. Keyword analysis is the first and most important step in SEO campaign planning.
A successful website needs, above all, good texts. This is important for two reasons. Website visitors reward interesting content by staying on the website for a long time and coming back. Secondly, your web pages are ranked higher by search engines, which in turn brings more visitors to your website.
We take over the design and content of landing pages for you. So-called landing pages are pages on which many users "land" through Google search alone. These sub-pages are usually not accessible via the Home navigation. The pages deal with specific topics and lead the Google customer directly to the content of your website that they are looking for.
As experts for online shops, we are the ideal contact for planning, creating, programming and designing your new online shop. We build a successful online shop for you. In the design, we are guided by your individual wishes. We will be happy to make you an individual offer for your future online shop.
As an experienced PHP programmer, we can extend an existing system or implement a completely new application for you. We are happy to support you throughout the entire project, from conception and development to the launch of your web project. We programme individual websites, CMS extensions, plugins, templates, web-based tools and online shops.
Why should you invest in Facebook Marketing! With 2 billion monthly active users, you can use Facebook as an effective advertising platform. You don't need a huge budget to start with the first ads. We design Facebook advertising campaigns for you with a defined target group. As a target, we can generate leads or drive traffic to your website.
Our agency in Palma supports you in the SEO optimization of your website and in the entire online marketing.
SEO Agentur Mallorca
C/Xabex 1
07610 Palma
☎ 971743367